the tension that comes

posted on: 3.29.2019

there has never been more proof in the phrase "age is just a number" than with you.

You're older than me, have more experience than me in many areas of life, but you remain so unaware.

Unaware of your environment, of a simple spill on the floor, of what day or what time it is.

Of bills and mail and responsibilities.

Maybe you were given everything when you were young, and never ever had to do it yourself. M

The tension that comes from dealing with you as you currently are is deep and painful.

You act childish, greedy, and insensitively.

You want what you want and there is no room for anything else.

And what you want is so familiar. Your actions and your unawareness is familiar. You want a toxic relationship. So badly you can't see straight.

I've been there. I want to scream st you, it doesn't get better. You're with a sick person and you're sick yourself. I want to yell at you and tell you how triggering you are for me in my recovery, in my life path.

But I know my screams will fall on deaf ears.

Yours is a problem I've had before.

Love is blind. And deaf. You can't speak to anyone in that type of toxic love and tell them anything they don't want to hear or see. They need to see it for themselves.

I hope you do. I pray you wake up. I want you to have everything in this life that you desire.

Until then, I will live through the tension that comes from the drama of your life