dis ease

posted on: 3.24.2019

the disease is two fold: (1) of the mind and (2) of the spirit

I am blessed that I do not have the third prong; the allergy

Unless one can have an allergy to promiscuity, low self worth, and acting out

My mind tells me you need someone to make you whole, happy, beautiful

And fill the void that you've always felt

Maybe you were born this way, maybe you were raised this way, maybe it's simply genetics or a combination of nature and nurture

But at the end of the day, you've always felt like an "other"

Since you can remember, yours were the only divorced parents

Yours was the only broken home, with a mom and a dad that couldnt stand to be in the same room

Not even talk on the phone

A childhood of fighting, neglect, emotional abandonment, abuse, addiction, and so much acting out that went unnoticed, or rather avoided

Yes, yours is a disease of the mind and spirit

Your mind plays tricks on you, and your spiritual connection suffers as a result

But thank the many heavens and universes and powers that be

For you found a solution and you're on the road to happy destiny

One filled with like minded souls, on a path to greater awareness and growth

And you are young, you are oh so brave, you are beautiful and you are smart

You are always going to do better when you know better

And your commitment to this journey is solid and unwavering

You got this,