mr. man

posted on: 3.07.2019

dear sweet sweet Hugo,

you and I have the most special kind of relationship

your trust in me as a caregiver of your tiny little life has only grown since we first met when you had been here on this earth for a mere 7 months

now you're one! you've been on this earth for one whole rotation around the sun!

the love I have for you is strong and motherly, despite the fact that you're really my employer, not my son

but I love you, and feel connected to your growth and development in this life

you teach me every time we hangout, and you show me the sacred side of being

witnessing you experience things for the first time, organizing and classifying things in your mind, using your senses, learning about your world and adapting to this culture, this time, this place has been nothing short of amazing

you have made my education come alive

you have made my happiness tangible in a little human form

when you reach out your one arm, way up high, so as to signal you want to come to my arms, my heart swells and my ego jumps for joy

but I know my job is simply to serve you, to allow you to explore, to protect you and keep you safe in the process of developing your will, your personality, your independence, and refine your senses

mr. man, those sweet parents of yours call you

and you truly are a little mr., full of life and the happiest babe

my little honey. I'm ever so grateful to spend time with you!