once again

posted on: 3.12.2019

Arrived to darkness

The shadow of palms looming in the background

Moist air, a sign the ocean is not far off, her big blue abyss, host of another life 

I can smell her saltiness, heavy with each inhale 

Driving in the backseat of a car unknown to me

Emotions wane, maybe I'll let them surface when alone at my destination 

I feel at once utterly lonely and filled to the brim with the endless thought of my potential to grow here, in this city of angels 

6 interviews. I'm ready, but the nerves have set in. I am alone,  but I am strong. I am worthy and I am deserving

Driving over asphalt, palms stretching up to meet my eyes along the horizon

They look like something Dr. Seuss wrote about countless times in famed children's books, I think 

I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. And the future isn't in my hands, I remind myself

My creator, please remove my fear, thy will be done, not mine 

...Now, to order and eat pizza! Hurray!