my will

posted on: 3.14.2019

in my will,

I want to reach out.

I want to tell you I'm in town.

I want to invite you for coffee (I fancy an Americano with a million sugars these days)

I want you to know I'll always want to talk

I want to see you and be seen by you

I want to send an email

I want to tell you about my life! An update of sorts

But I want it to be returned

In my will, I want you to forgive me

I want you to want to talk to me

I want you to want to see me

I want you to want to be in touch

As two people who were so in love

And not treat us as something that never occurred

Or me as a ghost when I'm more alive than ever before

In my will, I want to call you

Invite you for ice cream (lucky charms is back at salt n straw!)

And head out to larchmont village together

In my will, you'd give me an opportunity

To be human

In my will...