full moon, love

posted on: 3.21.2019

spring is in the air in Los Angeles

the birds chirp and the rain sprinkles down, turning everything it touches green and lush

I haven't had the pleasure of seeing LA this healthy and abundant

The rain is healing, much like writing

It covers the scorched earth and invites new life to form in its place

Getting it out, pouring it down, a kind of release and regrowth

It is better out of my body than trapped in my mind

Full moon words hang about my head about travel, possible new love, change, education, and very very unexpected opportunities

You are smarter than you think, more powerful than you think, more beautiful than you'll ever fully comprehend

This full moon brings opportunities to heal relationships and realize goals with nothing but ambition on your side

Be grateful for the rain, for it brings about a new season and impending changes that will surely reroute the trajectory of your life

Hello, full moon. Hello, LA. Hello, love,

Hello, future.