
posted on: 3.21.2019

Maybe it's because I'm in the same city as you

But for some reason. today you're heavily on my mind and I am consumed

Twice I have shared about how you seemingly knew me more than I knew myself

About your devotion to me and to understanding every little intricacy of my personality and it's core

Of the memory when you simply held me close and replied to my pleas of desperation and depression and lack of direction with "you need to be a teacher"

Like you saw me so clearly for who I really am and who I needed to become

Unmasked and lacking all the bullshit I wore for so long in my life

I don't think you'll ever understand how profoundly life changing it was for me to truly be seen by someone

To be supported and to have someone who genuinely cared enough about me to look into, research, and digest the hard stuff, all on your own

To be valued, respected, and treated as your equal

It shouldn't be the case, but that is extremely hard to find in someone in 2019

And I'm grateful I got to experience it with you, however brief

You set the bar pretty fucking high. And thanks to you, I now know what I deserve

Thanks to you, I've found a design for living my life that actually works

I hope I find you again in this lifetime love, my love