something to consider

posted on: 6.29.2015

In the early stages of many socalled romantic relationships, roleplaying is quite common in order to attract and keep whoever is perceived by the ego as the one who is going to “make me happy, make me feel special, and fulfill all my needs.” “I'll play who you want me to be, and you'll play who I want you to be.” That's the unspoken and unconscious agreement.

However, roleplaying is hard work, and so those roles cannot be sustained indefinitely, especially once you start living together. 

When those roles slip,what do you see? Unfortunately, in most cases, not yet the true essence of that being, but that which overs up the true essence: the raw ego divested of its roles, with its pain-body, and its thwarted wanting which now turns into
anger, most likely directed at the spouse or partner for having failed to remove the underlying fear and sense of lack
that is an intrinsic part of the egoic sense of self.