the drive
posted on: 10.29.2013
a while ago now, we drove. we appeared in a black car, with tinted windows and comfortable seats. we drove for what seemed like forever. we drove through darkness into the light of the early morning. we sat there, in each others presence, in each others comfort. we sipped on warm green tea, told stories, and laughed. there was a playful air about.
and yet, the point of the drive, it seemed, was not just to be playful. instead, it was for you to show me your work. your work, as was understood in the very beginning, was intense. it posed as a warning sign. ever unpredictable, it left a question mark on the fate of what could be. it warned me to be cautious. after all, it had the ability to take you away from me. it had the ability to insist on change and never, never stagnate. until recently, this was scary. until recently, this was unsettling. until recently, I did not admit that above all else, your work creates an exciting environment of change. one that takes you outside the confining walls of this city and allows you to experience life. until very recently, I was naive to all of this.
as we drove, you showed me the tall buildings of your work, the grandiose campus, the beautiful waterfalls and moats and bridges and gardens. it was other worldly. it was fairytale-esque, as only a dream can be.
if this is your work, I thought, I finally get it. I finally understand the pull, the way it consumes you, the wonderful driving force it is in your life.
...and on that beautiful drive, it all made sense.