two months

posted on: 7.29.2019

two months into the next year of your life and you're offered a permanence you didn't think was possible

a responsibility so much greater than self

to provide and to guide a group of children, in their life, in their development, in their becoming a human being in society

a job greater than any job that came before

one that keeps you insanely humble and grounded, being of service, outside of self eight hours a day

the fears and anxieties and feelings of not being good enough surface

but you use your toolbox to keep them at bay

for this path is one given to you by the universe

you didn't ask for it, but you are ready for it, even if you can't comprehend it sometimes

two months in and you're given a chance to stay forever in the place you feel so connected and so divinely inspired

this is not your will, this is not your doing, this is something bigger at work

stay present, stay connected, stay in service, stay close to the power that guides you

great things are coming to you

in sunny California