awakened you

posted on: 4.21.2019

you say that i awakened something in you

in that letter from years ago

you say that i gave you hope

for a future less bleak, less negative, less void of emotional connection

you exclaim "are you wearing black chucks?'

as joy division's 'love will tear us apart' comes on and i say "they do a really great job making something so sad sound so upbeat"

and you smile and nod and go inside your thoughts to a time before

when perhaps we were a possibility

maybe to being naively mislead

by someone like me

before i learned all the lessons succeeding you

and still you say you want good things for me

and still you pour me a glass of water and order me a drink

and still you remind me that we have such a short time here

in this life on earth

and that we're all human beings

and you invite and urge me to grab what i want by the reigns and live

l  i  v  e


for showing me what love could look like, the definition of kindness, for exuding such empathy and consideration, for always being rational and strong and vulnerable and true

i am in constant awe of you

and grateful beyond words that our paths crossed

-thank you, j, you're one of a kind