some days she feels lower than low for all the mistakes. the holes. the blood sweat and tears of all those she tried to get close to.
but here's the thing:
humans make errors.
it's inherent in their nature.
his and hers and theirs.
maybe you lied, maybe you cheated, maybe you judged, maybe you said mean things, maybe you manipulated to get what you wanted, maybe you drank too much. maybe you took your anger out on a perfect stranger...
maybe you did all of the above, and a little bit more.
it's sad and it's unfair and it's painful and stressful and frustrating beyond comprehension
but human's make errors.
they do these things on the path to a greater awareness.
some people stay unaware, asleep, for the length of their lifetime on earth.
some awaken early, the sound of birds singing sweetly in the morning too hard to ignore.
are you still sleeping?
please, please wake up soon.
you're missing it. you're missing it.
the sweetness of life.