a fair-weather friend. a friend who was there for the good and bad, but left when it was bad for just a little too long. she was disloyal. a fake who fluttered out as fast as she fluttered in. a friend who dropped friendships quickly, easily, at any sign of unprofitable behaviour. a friend who, at the end, could only be described as self important.
she was a whirlwind. a summer affair. she required so much attention. more than any other friend. needy. she loved so hard. at first, she related. as time went by, the familiarities disappeared and true colours shone bright. like a rainbow of difference, seen by many. seen by all.
she had a deep affect on those around her. unstable. she knew her wavering confidence could be seen by her company. she was like a dream to some. a nightmare to others.
she came. she went. she is not missed.