plans and designs

posted on: 5.09.2019

we met because of a mutual friend who knows us both

who said we should meet

as innocently as that

perhaps built on the idea that we might just get along

have a thing or two in common

she wasn't wrong

but, and it's big

I'm leaving

not just the city, but the country

I have committed to not making my own plans and designs but rather relying on my higher power to reveal things to me

I believe we were supposed to meet

For some reason

Just like the man who came before you, and the one before him

Little lessons, little gifts from the universe, little nuggets of wisdom to be found in the relationships of my past and present

But how do I explain this? To you? So you can relax and just ride out the next few weeks with me?

I simply can't. For fear of creating my own plans and designs.

I'm committed to not having expectations, to relaxing and letting the universe take control.

Even though it's hard and unnatural, I know it's the only thing that'll bring longevity to whatever relationship I find myself in

And maybe, just maybe, it'll be with you.