ego trippin

posted on: 4.13.2019

the news sent my ego on a real trip

instead of being present to life in the moment

I ran to the past, to all that you promised

and to the future, without you

fear took over, and i moved from past to future without skipping a beat in the present

i'm often at a loss for words over this

and i fluctuate between being happy for you and being sad for me

it's a funny thing- wanting to marry someone

and then finding out they've chosen another

moved on

left you behind

without having the decency to let you know

or simply say 'i honour what we had, but it's time we both moved on'

instead, just retreating like a ghost in the night

a restless spirit panicked at the thought of confrontation

your cowardice is masked as cruelty

but it's not your fault

it never was