perseverance; a double edged sword

posted on: 2.10.2019

criminal injury compensation case #1816

as i submit records of therapy costs calculated at over seven thousand dollars

as i contact doctors and dentists to verify the extend of my physical and mental injuries

recounting the headaches, the pain, the trauma, the upset stomach, the anxiety, the bedtime fears, the stress and tension, the failed relationships, the addiction

as i include evidence of your reactions, telling the world that he did it, telling the world that he admitted it but has 'felt so bad all these years', the truth coming out from behind a veil, while you're still his number one cheerleader, unable and unwilling to leave his side

as i ask dear friends of mine to write letters for me, detailing when i told them what happened, how it has affected my life, how they know i am not lying, how they know i am trying to heal and forgive and let go and move on

as i relive and review every piece of my healing journey to catalogue it so that someone, somewhere, in an ivory tower can decide how much it was all worth and give a monetary value to a life that was riddled with ptsd and trauma from a ripe age of five

you still have the audacity to ask me if i'm free for tea on family day weekend

like i'd want to spend it in your company

like nothing happened

like you aren't still 'happily' 'blissfully' married to my abuser

the admitted abuser

perseverance is a double edged sword

it has kept me going

through this case, through this life, through the trials and tribulations and mistakes and blunders

and it keeps you going

leading you in the dark


until you can see, i want no part of your perseverance