
posted on: 1.26.2019

look up

what do you see? 

cotton candy skies?

tear filled eyes?

the skyline rises and falls 

a grid of metal, stone, glass, structure, tall and towering as much as it promises the short unseen  

you can't win and you can't lose and you can't see it all, try as you might

all you can do is be here

or risk the view 

crumbling down before your smoke filled eyes

like every relationship you've ever entered 

is it worth the pain?

the rubble and dust make it hard to breath  

the promise of a new skyline to greet you every evening
looms overhead like comforting clock work

the only thing that keeps you going

I only want to see cotton candy skies 

mother nature's finest art

gratitude to witness such colours painted across the sky