times two

posted on: 11.04.2018

there is no finer feeling than the introduction of new family members

times two.

and here's what i promise you:

i promise to always be there

in a way that was never granted me

whenever you shall call

i will come running

i will protect you from the big bad world, as much as i can because i know how scary it can be

i will be a light and an example of tenderness, kindness, transparency and love

i will lift you both up when you're feeling sad

invite you over to sip some tea, ease your worries and any pain that ails you

"i've been there", i'll say

and i'll try and make you laugh

i'll show you fun things

worlds you never knew existed

tell you stories of my travels and my loves lost

be an example, and a friend

be your ear, whenever you're near.

and if i'm far, i promise only to be so in distance

i love you, my sweet nieces
times two.