life path

posted on: 9.23.2018

i spent so much time resisting

work that has never felt like work

the pay, the energy, the time, the stress, the loans, the change, the sacrifice

all excuses

now i lay awake, grateful for this awareness

it's always been with children

sweet, innocent, growing life

eager, independent, bright, sincere

the life of a child is a beautiful scene

a movie i could watch over and over again

picking up something new each time

i used to think i'd only see it with my own

mothering my middle name

but now i know, even if i never mother

i will help those who cannot help themselves

tiny humans deserve every chance to flourish

being a witness, an observer of miracles

a guide for littles in need

is the greatest gift i'll ever receive in life

i hope i do it justice.

your life path will come to you when you stop resisting.