letters to the dead, volume 1

posted on: 7.26.2018


just thinking of you, the usual pitiful thoughts i've come to understand as fantasy.

wish we were dancing in the living room.

I'm chugging along on the orange line, heading to the airport. Airports, travel, back and forth, sweet hellos and sorrowful goodbyes, all a part of our story.

but you are gone now. one day my brain will catch up with my heart. is this the plight of a hopeless romantic? am I doomed for this lifetime?

you are still very alive in my mind. i can smell your smell, feel your chest rise and fall under my hand as i curl into my favourite corner of you. the comfort is unlike anything i've experienced in this lifetime.  willl i find that again with someone else? maybe? maybe not? but at least the memory is there.

you possess such a realness to me, but you are gone.

and when tomorrow comes, it will all start again.

amygdala is a funny word. even funnier is what it's capable of. a tiny epicentre in the base of my head, telling my entire body i am afraid. of a life without you. paralyzed to move on, incapable of diverting thoughts of you.  how does something so small and hidden have such a loud, monstrous, terrifying voice?