accepting, you were

posted on: 5.02.2018

some think acceptance inevitable.

experience has a different story. talks a lot of game. ends in tears anger and regret.

from you it was different. it was given, so freely. inevitable.

you were motivating, encouraging, kind, considerate, non judgemental, and accepting.

of me.

of past me.

of present me.

it might be fresh perspective
it might be friendship and no further
it might be a lesson and only that

but you have profoundly opened my eyes to the possibility
that acceptance for past behaviours
and personality flaws
and for being human
really does

because you exist.
and you see me.
judgement free.

post script:

somehow, with the universe looking over my shoulder, ready to catch me if i fall, i waited. to tell you those past things. to share with you all those details old me would vomit on the first date. the result

appreciation is too small a word for you.