why are we here?
why is the sky blue, the sun yellowy orange, and hot?
why do the birds sing sometimes and other times go quiet?
why do you love me one day, hate me the next, only to love me again?
why do humans have emotions and thoughts and egos and consciouses and verbal language and animals only have some?
why was I put on this earth?
why can't I understand your resentment, your pain and suffering, and your unwillingness to forgive?
why do I love you so much in one moment, and in others think I'm better off alone?
why do we get to ask why?
why don't you want to see me and fix things? why are you so cold?
why does the weather change like my mood? why does the moon rule my emotions and the tides and my courses?
why is the universe so powerful? what happened in past life time's that created this higher power and intense source of energy?
why are some people's brains addicted, and other's are not?
why do our past experiences shape our present struggles so definitively?
why do I care?
why can't I stop?
why should I?
why shouldn't I?